Car Problems will tell about problems in the car ignition system. Car the ignition system carries out two basic functions:
* makes a spark and distributes it in a certain order and time between car spark plugs;
* increases pressure from the accumulator battery to size, sufficient for formations in a spacing of a spark plug of a spark.
There are many various types of ignition systems.
The majority of these systems can be it is placed in one of three groups: the conventional breaker point type ignition systems (in use since the early 1900s);
the electronic ignition systems (popular since the mid 70s);
and the distributorless ignition system (introduced in the mid 80s).
Car problems in the ignition system occur because of problems in performance specified before functions. The problem can arise at car start. You turn starting engine key in the ignition switch, hear a characteristic sound of a working starter, but the engine "does not shoot" and isn't started. If process to continue long time, the battery will be discharged also it it is necessary to charge. In this case, if it is known that the fuel delivery system is serviceable and in engine cylinders normal degree compression the car problem consists in absence of formation of a spark on candles ignitions.

Fig.1. Car problems: schematic of a typical conventional breaker-point ignition system.
For search of a problem of the car in the ignition system with a typical conventional breaker-point ignition system:
1. Be convinced that all spark plug cables of your car going from the accumulator battery to coil, from it to distributor and further to spark plugs have no problems in isolation, cracks, damages through which the electric circuit can become isolated on the car or engine case. Check up - whether there are problems with contacts no high-voltage wires of the ignition system of your car.
2. Check up - whether pressure on spark plugs arrives. For this purpose remove isolating cap from a candle and arrange it on distance about 5 mm from the engine case. Thus isolating cap it is necessary to fix ignition the tool. At at turning movement of a key of start and starter work between the contact piece located in a isolating cap and the engine case the spark should slip. If the spark isn't present - a problem of the ignition system of the car in coil or distributor.
3. If after test of a isolating cap you were convinced that in the ignition system there is no car problem it is necessary to check a spark plug. Turn out a spark plug and inspect it: on a candle insulator there should not be cracks and black stains, spark plug contact pieces should have a spacing of the established size, to be covered by dry touch of light brown or pink color (it specifies in correct installation of firing point and absence of hit of oil in the engine cylinder).Also to check up a spark plug it is possible (if other ignition system of the car has no problems) as follows: insert a candle in isolating cap and place so that the thread on a spark plug would contact to the engine case. Engage engine start. If thus in a candle the spark, a candle serviceable is observed.
4. The problem of the car ignition system can be in distributor.To check up as spark plug cables are densely inserted into a cover distributor; remove and inspect a cover - whether there are no on it cracks, whether pure contact pieces on its inside; inspect the gear distributor (are disconnected or not contact pieces at rotation a rotor distributor, whether a normal spacing between contact pieces when they are opened, whether the whole wire in a metal braid which connects disconnected contact pieces to the condenser).If in distributor isn't present problems, but at rotation a rotor distributor with the removed cover by means of engine start on dead contacts the candle isn't formed, the problem of the ignition system of the car in coil means.
5. The problem of the car ignition system can be in coil or in primary resistor.In a case of breakage they should be changed.
See more on Car Wiring Diagram
* makes a spark and distributes it in a certain order and time between car spark plugs;
* increases pressure from the accumulator battery to size, sufficient for formations in a spacing of a spark plug of a spark.
There are many various types of ignition systems.
The majority of these systems can be it is placed in one of three groups: the conventional breaker point type ignition systems (in use since the early 1900s);
the electronic ignition systems (popular since the mid 70s);
and the distributorless ignition system (introduced in the mid 80s).
Car problems in the ignition system occur because of problems in performance specified before functions. The problem can arise at car start. You turn starting engine key in the ignition switch, hear a characteristic sound of a working starter, but the engine "does not shoot" and isn't started. If process to continue long time, the battery will be discharged also it it is necessary to charge. In this case, if it is known that the fuel delivery system is serviceable and in engine cylinders normal degree compression the car problem consists in absence of formation of a spark on candles ignitions.

Fig.1. Car problems: schematic of a typical conventional breaker-point ignition system.
For search of a problem of the car in the ignition system with a typical conventional breaker-point ignition system:
1. Be convinced that all spark plug cables of your car going from the accumulator battery to coil, from it to distributor and further to spark plugs have no problems in isolation, cracks, damages through which the electric circuit can become isolated on the car or engine case. Check up - whether there are problems with contacts no high-voltage wires of the ignition system of your car.
2. Check up - whether pressure on spark plugs arrives. For this purpose remove isolating cap from a candle and arrange it on distance about 5 mm from the engine case. Thus isolating cap it is necessary to fix ignition the tool. At at turning movement of a key of start and starter work between the contact piece located in a isolating cap and the engine case the spark should slip. If the spark isn't present - a problem of the ignition system of the car in coil or distributor.
3. If after test of a isolating cap you were convinced that in the ignition system there is no car problem it is necessary to check a spark plug. Turn out a spark plug and inspect it: on a candle insulator there should not be cracks and black stains, spark plug contact pieces should have a spacing of the established size, to be covered by dry touch of light brown or pink color (it specifies in correct installation of firing point and absence of hit of oil in the engine cylinder).Also to check up a spark plug it is possible (if other ignition system of the car has no problems) as follows: insert a candle in isolating cap and place so that the thread on a spark plug would contact to the engine case. Engage engine start. If thus in a candle the spark, a candle serviceable is observed.
4. The problem of the car ignition system can be in distributor.To check up as spark plug cables are densely inserted into a cover distributor; remove and inspect a cover - whether there are no on it cracks, whether pure contact pieces on its inside; inspect the gear distributor (are disconnected or not contact pieces at rotation a rotor distributor, whether a normal spacing between contact pieces when they are opened, whether the whole wire in a metal braid which connects disconnected contact pieces to the condenser).If in distributor isn't present problems, but at rotation a rotor distributor with the removed cover by means of engine start on dead contacts the candle isn't formed, the problem of the ignition system of the car in coil means.
5. The problem of the car ignition system can be in coil or in primary resistor.In a case of breakage they should be changed.
See more on Car Wiring Diagram