This year weather gives the present surprises for Christmas. Snow, a frost, ice on motorways in those places where usually the temperature doesn't fall more low + 15 degrees on Celsius scale. The present Christmas snow - pleasure for children. But how many problems it brings to the driver, to which it is necessary to go on the car.
Also begin car problems during the moment when you try to get the car.
To avoid car problems at engine start-up in a frost, especially if your car stood not in warm garage, and in the street, the most important thing is "correct", more liquid and consequently oil more suitable to winter, and also the good accumulator. But very few people, having heard the weather forecast, starts to change urgently oil and to charge the accumulator. Therefore for the majority there are some more simple actions which too can help. It was accepted to advise to take away the accumulator for the night in a warm premise earlier. But it can create a problem: if in the doorway of the car electrolocks to use them it will not be possible in the morning. Locks of your car, most likely, will freeze, so also a key it will not turn out. That it hasn't occurred, it is necessary not only to remove the accumulator, but also to pour into keyholes special structure to what owners of electrolocks aren't accustomed.
This car problems can be solved easier: not to remove the accumulator, and before start to warm up it, for some seconds having engaged a high beam. The measure is effective enough. Not to overload the accumulator, - during start-up to press a clutch pedal. In a box here it is not enough lever neutral position: after all at the released pedal the engine should rotate both a driven disk, and shaft in a gear box. And even after the engine was got, it makes sense to take some time a foot on clutch - if sharply to release, can decay and not be got any more. It is not necessary to twist a starter too long - to allow to the accumulator to have a rest better, and then to repeat operation.
And last from the simple councils which are not demanding many time and money - to buy a special spray for a starting engine operation. Some advise to spray it directly in the carburetor, but, as it is known, not at any car it is, and helps and spray about an air filter inlet opening.
At start-up of the engine of the car in a frost the pressure brought from the battery to an ignition coil considerably falls. From it energy of a spark on candles that complicates mixture ignition decreases. To avoid such car problems and to receive a high-grade spark in the ignition system, it is possible to submit on an ignition coil at this time an independent food 12–16 In from a charger, the additional accumulator (even for a motorcycle) or the dry elements intended for a pocket flashlight and radio equipment. For connection of this or that source it is necessary to cut the switch which, besides, carries out "a secret" role at parking in a coil supply circuit.
If at you has arisen car problem with ice on glasses - remove its special scraper or any suitable a plastic piece, for example a hairbrush. What later to avoid such car problem for two-three kilometers before parking switch off interior heating that glasses have cooled down. Having put the car, strew snow the front and rear has flown down a layer 3–5 sm. In the morning displace snow a brush, and glasses pure enough.
If at you car problem with an interior heater arrival to a glass frost will sweat inside.Car problem dares simply - usual salt for food to wipe from within all glasses. They won't be frosted over, and it is possible to go easy enough.
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