So, for the decision car problems to us the sheet of paper or a cardboard of white color, enough big is required to the poured liquid what to cover all place under the car on which for a night the pool accumulates. Leave sheet under the car till the morning, and carry out preliminary treatment of yours car problems in the morning - compare color, a smell and to the touch received on a paper begin to flow liquids with reference indicators for various automobile liquids.
Cooling fluid - bright green color, very slippery to the touch.
Engine oil - is light or darkly brown color, an oily liquid. Color depends on how often you change oil in the engine of the car (the fresh oil, the it is more light).
Washing liquid for a windshield - a transparent liquid, probably, orange, yellow or pink color with a characteristic smell of spirit.
Liquid for transmission - a light brown liquid with a strong smell of rotten eggs, as oil to the touch.
Liquid for an automatic transmission and a steering - oily, red color. It is necessary to look attentively in what place has arisen car problems. A similar liquid fill in in a defroster.
Transparent as water the liquid can pour out from the steering booster.
Brake liquid - light yellow when new as it absorbs water a liquid becomes is darkly dirty-brown.
Gasoline - usually has amber color, but you learn it on a characteristic smell.
Very important at revealing car problems with a liquid leak to notice area car under which the pool was formed. It will help with the further will define a source car problems.For an example, braking fluid pools are often formed around brake calipers and capacity with braking fluid where there is a possibility of infringement of joints. Transmission oil forms a pool under a mechanical gear box or the rear bridge. Antifreeze can't flow under a luggage compartment (if in a luggage compartment there is no capacity with antifreeze).
Councils from Car Problems will help you to supervise constantly a condition of your car and in due time to avoid more difficult car problems.
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