Car Problems advises how to avoid car problems if it is necessary for you to go on the car to a frost and snow. This year weather gives the present surprises for Christmas. Snow, a frost, ice on motorways in those places where usually the temperature doesn't fall more low + 15 degrees on Celsius scale. The present Christmas snow - pleasure for children. But how many problems it brings to the driver, to which it is necessary to go on the car. Also begin car problems during the moment when you try to get the car.
To avoid car problems at engine start-up in a frost, especially if your car stood not in warm garage, and in the street, the most important thing is "correct", more liquid and consequently oil more suitable to winter, and also the good accumulator. But very few people, having heard the weather forecast, starts to change urgently oil and to charge the accumulator. Therefore for the majority there are some more simple actions which too can help. It was accepted to advise to take away the accumulator for the night in a warm premise earlier. But it can create a problem: if in the doorway of the car electrolocks to use them it will not be possible in the morning. Locks of your car, most likely, will freeze, so also a key it will not turn out. That it hasn't occurred, it is necessary not only to remove the accumulator, but also to pour into keyholes special structure to what owners of electrolocks aren't accustomed.
This car problems can be solved easier: not to remove the accumulator, and before start to warm up it, for some seconds having engaged a high beam. The measure is effective enough. Not to overload the accumulator, - during start-up to press a clutch pedal. In a box here it is not enough lever neutral position: after all at the released pedal the engine should rotate both a driven disk, and shaft in a gear box. And even after the engine was got, it makes sense to take some time a foot on clutch - if sharply to release, can decay and not be got any more. It is not necessary to twist a starter too long - to allow to the accumulator to have a rest better, and then to repeat operation. And last from the simple councils which are not demanding many time and money - to buy a special spray for a starting engine operation. Some advise to spray it directly in the carburetor, but, as it is known, not at any car it is, and helps and spray about an air filter inlet opening.
At start-up of the engine of the car in a frost the pressure brought from the battery to an ignition coil considerably falls. From it energy of a spark on candles that complicates mixture ignition decreases. To avoid such car problems and to receive a high-grade spark in the ignition system, it is possible to submit on an ignition coil at this time an independent food 12–16 In from a charger, the additional accumulator (even for a motorcycle) or the dry elements intended for a pocket flashlight and radio equipment. For connection of this or that source it is necessary to cut the switch which, besides, carries out "a secret" role at parking in a coil supply circuit. If at you has arisen car problem with ice on glasses - remove its special scraper or any suitable a plastic piece, for example a hairbrush. What later to avoid such car problem for two-three kilometers before parking switch off interior heating that glasses have cooled down. Having put the car, strew snow the front and rear has flown down a layer 3–5 sm. In the morning displace snow a brush, and glasses pure enough. If at you car problem with an interior heater arrival to a glass frost will sweat inside.Car problem dares simply - usual salt for food to wipe from within all glasses. They won't be frosted over, and it is possible to go easy enough. See more on Free Repair Manuals
Car Problems gives advice - how to solve a fuel economy problem in your car. To think of fuel economy it is necessary to begin even before purchase car. What to avoid unnecessary problems with fuel economy, it is necessary to think over in advance - for what problems you buy the car and to choose the model corresponding to your way of life. It is said that "on the tank to the next supermarket to go inconveniently". Necessary to consider that each 500 kg of weight of the car manage in nearby 700 liters of fuel (at norm of run of 20 thousand in km in a year). It means that if your car weighs 1000 kg, you will burn for a year about 1400 liters of fuel if it weighs 1500 kg - 2100 liters.
Problem of high fuel consumption in yours car can create: - Wrong resettings of the engine, wheels (+ 10 %); - An underpressure in tires (+ 3 % on 0,5 kg/sm2 of pressure decrease); - Superfluous cargo in the car (+ 2 % on each 50 kg of cargo); - The engaged air conditioner (+ 10 %); - Open windows at speed 50 km/hour there is more. Also problems with increased use of fuel on your car can arise because of not correct control mode by the car. Frequent using brakes, sharp strong pressing an accelerator pedal, long work of the engine idling at warming up or car parking inevitably create a problem high fuel consumption. Besides many failures of your car create a problem of the over-expenditure of fuel.
The failures causing the over-expenditure of fuel at cars with injection of fuel. - Engine power is lowered for any reason. - The gage of oxygen or its chain is faulty. - It is faulty any of temperature detectors or their chain - The engine doesn't get warm to a working temperature. - The ignition advance system is faulty. - The flow sensor of air or its chain is faulty. - The gage of position of a throttle valve or its chain is faulty - An afterdribble of any spray jet (more often spray jets cold start-up if it is). - The air filter is choked up. - A weak spark. - The forced aspiration system is faulty. - Labels of a drive gear of a gas distribution are incorrectly established. - The pressure monitoring system in inlet a collector is faulty - Wrong pressure of gasoline. - Valve clearances aren't adjusted. - Bad free to slide (for example because of the lowered wheels). - The hydraulic clutch (at cars with "automatic machine") is faulty. - Automatic transmission misoperation. - Nespraven the leading bridge.
The failures causing the over-expenditure of fuel at diesel cars. - Engine power is lowered. - Spray jets are faulty. - A lack of air submitted to an intake manifold. - A wrong advancing of injection. - The engine doesn't get warm to a working temperature. - Misoperation of systems of drop of toxicity.
Remember - in time service, repair and car resetting, observance of service regulations will relieve you of problems with over-expenditure fuel and economy of money.
Car Problems tells about problems which can occur to your car in a way and modes of elimination of these problems. Each driver at least once faced the problem which has arisen because of failure of the car in a way, is far from settlement and the service center. We will consider the most widespread emergencies and how it is possible to avoid the big problems connected with them.
Car Problems 1: Has wedged a gas pedal.
You need to stop, you clean a foot from a gas pedal, but it doesn't come back in normal position. Look at road ahead. Put a shift lever in neutral position. Switch off ignition (so that a wheel hasn't closed), press a brake. Try to put as soon as possible the car out of the way. After a stop find a cause of defect. The pedal could touch a rug, and you easily will solve this problem. If the reason not in it, check up an accelerator drive gear. Some details can be clamped or have got stuck. A small amount of the oil which taken from a probe for check of level of oil in the engine and have been filled in in a cable of a drive gear of accelerator, will help to eliminate this problem of your car. If you can't find out or eliminate a problem (for example, it is caused by breakage or loss of a returnable spring or breakage of fastening of the engine), don't get the car. Tow off it on parking.
Car Problems 2: brakes Have refused.
You press a brake pedal, but the car doesn't reduce speed. How to solve this serious problem? Some times quickly press a brake pedal If it doesn't help, engage headlights and the alarm signaling. Consistently pass to hill-climbing gears. Use a parking brake. Thus keep it in not fixed Position to have possibility to release it in case of the drift beginning. If the distance available for a stop isn't enough: - Submit a sound signal; - try to reduce speed, nestling wheels on a curb; - avoid a head-on collision. Move down after the journey on a road shoulder is better.If ahead breakage, as extreme means it is possible to switch off ignition and to engage the first drive. It, probably, will damage a gear box, but will help to prevent car falling. If brakes have refused on abrupt descent, blank out speed, using snow shaft, protections from a bush and etc.
Car Problems 3: Loss of control.
Turning a steering wheel, you feel that the car doesn't react. Something has refused a steering. What to do? Warn other participants of movement by inclusion of light of headlights, the alarm signaling, a sound signal. Slow down a pedal of a brake so that not to cause drift. After all to eliminate it to you it will not be possible because of loss of control. Steering refusal is preceded often hard or, on the contrary, by easy rotation of a wheel. Having noticed it, at once stop and eliminate a cause of defect.
Car Problems 4: the tire Has burst.
The wheel starts to pull towards the burst tire. What to do? Don't slow down. More strong hold a steering wheel, keeping the car on a straight line. Smoothly release a gas pedal. Pass to a hill-climbing gear. When speed will decrease, easily press a brake. Stop the car out of a carriageway. Don't change a wheel on a carriageway.
Car Problems 5: the cowl Has opened.
Visibility of road ahead is unexpectedly closed by the opened cowl. What to do? Don't slow down sharply (can face with moving behind the car). Engage the alarm signaling. Выгляните through a door window. As a reference point use a road marking. Look in a rear-view mirror, what distance to the car, moving behind. Transfer a foot from a gas pedal on a brake pedal. Smoothly slowing down, move down from a carriageway.
Car Problems 6: the Fire under a cowl.
You have felt a smell of a smoke and have seen it or the tongues of flame which have appeared from under a cowl. What to do? Urgently move down on a road shoulder. Switch off ignition. Try to bring down a flame, using the fire extinguisher cylinder if it isn't present - the earth or a thick matter. Hoisting a cowl, be careful. Take a rag to protect hands from a burn at bonnet latch opening. Reject a head aside. Don't try to extinguish a flame, having increased speed. It only will worsen your position.
Car Problems tells as correctly to prepare the car for long parking. The snow frosty winter, long business trip, problems in a family can always create a problem with your car, demanding its long parking. What measures need to beundertaken, that for long months of parking in the car there were no failures and damages? Performance of all series of measures on car preservation creates superfluous problems and financial expenditure. In some managements for motorists the extensive list of actions which ostensibly is required to be executed before, car statement on a long-term storage is resulted. The car successfully and without serious consequences transfers storage under condition of performance of the following of a small series of measures on volume. First of all it is necessary to wash up and dry carefully the car outside and from below, and also to make. Interior cleaning. To smooth out the found out places of corrosion, to process their anticorrosive means and to paint. All bolts and nuts from below the car for the corrosion prevention to cover with silicone lubricant. The body outside is desirable for processing wax preserving structure or car preservative. The chromeplated parts to wipe a tampon soaked liquid mineral oil; instead it is possible to cover them with a solution 100g building bitumen in 0,5 l of a lead-free fuel. The car should be hoisted on supports to unload tires, springs and suspender springs; from tires to exhaust air part, having depressed pressure in them. At the engine to slacken a belt of a drive gear of the fan, to lower water from cooling system (if it is used special cooling fluid with low freezing temperature to merge it doesn't follow). Densely to stop up with tampons from a fabric, soak oil taking away tube of the muffler and an air branch pipe of the carburetor (preliminary having removed an air purifier). This measure will allow to avoid car problems with corrosion of internal details of the engine. To fill in oil in cylinders (as sometimes recommend) not necessarily as the work face of cylinders polished with piston rings, well enough resists to corrosion and practically never rusts. Don't tighten a parking brake what to avoid car problems: for a winter brake blocks can tightly rust to drums and it is necessary to carry out extremely a laborious work on their removal and clearing in the spring. The accumulator battery if it is quite serviceable and has served no more than 2 years, it is possible to leave on the place, having disconnected it from an onboard network and having removed tips of wires from plugs. If the battery in an unsatisfactory condition or simply old that in order to avoid freezing of its electrolyte has to be removed from the car and to store in a premise, it is better cool. Also Car Problems recommends to unhook the bottom ends of absorbers from details of a suspender and to compress absorbers to the full, having drowned a rod in the case. Thanks to it the rod will be protected from corrosion. If the car costs in garage, doors and a boot lid are better for leaving slightly slightly opened to give freedom to rubber sealants and to warn them rumple. It is possible to leave also in a luggage compartment of a pack of old newspapers. Thanks to hygroscopicity, the paper will absorb a superfluous moisture and will eliminate car problems with a condensate at temperature drops. At car storage on the open area it is possible to cover it. A boot, however the boot shouldn't adjoin to a body surface not to spoil coloring. Is better to raise by means of crosspieces a boot over a body that similarity of tent has turned out. The air layer will save up coloring and will relieve from superfluous car problems.
Car Problems tells about problems of your car of Ford Fiesta of release till 2000 with engine Zetec-SE which can arise because of failure of a drivebelt.Auxiliary units (the generator, the water pump etc.) the car of Ford Fiesta with engine Zetec-SE are resulted Poly-V-belt, in new engines OHC this problem carries out a belt 6K-Poly-V. Ford company applies basically Poly-V-belts which it is especially flexible move on radiuses of belt pulleys. The hydraulic device regulates a belt tension.Depending on a complete set of the car the air conditioner or the booster of a steering the drivebelt has other sizes, than in model with a basic set. Necessarily carry in the luggage compartment corresponding Poly-V-belt on replacement what not to have car problems.
Fig. 1. Car Problems: the Arrangement Poly-V-belt: 6K-Poly-V on pulleys of engine Zetec-SE depending on car equipment: 1 – crankshaft pulley; 2 – pulley of the hydraulic device of a belt tension; 3 – pulley of the pump of the booster of a steering; 4 – guide roller; 5 – generator pulley; 6 – water pump pulley; 7 – an air conditioner pulley
Car problems your car of Ford can arise from a wrong tension a drive gear Poly-V-belt.Poly-V-belts should be tightened densely, but not so hardly. The deflection of a belt from 3 to 5 mm is normal by pressing the center of a branch of a belt between two pulleys. Hardly tightened belts create in due course car problems: destroy bearings of the generator, the water pump (depending on engine type) and the air conditioner compressor. Besides, hardly tightened belts are stretched and can tear further. The weak tension also creates car problems: Poly-V-belts slip it is appreciable by creaking sounds. Most harmfully it affects the generator as thus it develops not enough charging current that leads to the big loading on the accumulator battery at trips on short distances and at start-up of the cold engine. Also it is damaged and Poly-V-belt, its lateral faces burn slightly, there is its premature deterioration. In extreme cases sliping Poly-V-belts can lead to an overheat of the engine and heavy damages of details and knots (to jamming of buckets, a burn-out of a layer pad of a head of cylinders). In spite of the fact that car Fiesta engine automatically regulates a tension Poly-V-belt, sometimes check its condition.
SEQUENCE OF WORKS 1. Check up a belt condition. 2. A hand some times turn a bent shaft. Only so you can reliably check up a condition Poly-V-belt on all its length. Often Poly-V-belts have one, but very deep crack. And if this crack, unfortunately, at visual inspection is on belt to a pulley, you it won't notice that eventually can lead to serious consequences, despite the carried out control. 3. If you have found out on Poly-V-belt following damages, at once replace it: – Non-uniform wear tracks on belt lateral faces; – Porous, shabby edges of a belt or a surface; – Cracks.
PRACTICAL ADVICE Installation Poly-V-belt. Never put on a screw-driver a new belt pulleys. Otherwise the subsequent damages on the bottom party of a belt in places where you inserted a screw-driver will be programmed". After installation of the belt which was in the use the engine should work approximately 3 mines (if a belt new – 10 mines), then repeatedly check up a pretension. Before an engine cutoff increase rotary speed of a bent shaft a little. Approximately through 1000 km of run repeatedly check up a belt tension (the deflection should make 3–5 mm).
Installation Poly-V-belt SEQUENCE OF WORKS 1. Turn away a fastening bolt on a tension buckle of the generator. 2. Turn away a bolt on a rotary bearing part. 3. Turn away the generator in a direction to the engine. 4. Replace old Poly-V-belt with a new belt. 5. Installation is spent to sequences, return to removal.
PRACTICAL ADVICE If the belt has torn If during movement the indicating lamp of gymnastics of the accumulator battery of red color lights up, it specifies in breakage Poly-V-belt. Thus you will notice rigid blow on a wheel niche or a front wall in a motor compartment. In no event it is impossible to continue movement further as the water pump is put in action by a belt and coolant circulation stops, and the remained liquid in the cylinder block quickly will begin to boil, you risk to receive the hardest damages of the engine.Therefore at once replace the torn belt spare or tow off the car in the nearest auto repair shop. From Serpentine Belt Diagram
Car Problems will tell about problems in the car ignition system. Car the ignition system carries out two basic functions: * makes a spark and distributes it in a certain order and time between car spark plugs; * increases pressure from the accumulator battery to size, sufficient for formations in a spacing of a spark plug of a spark.
There are many various types of ignition systems.
The majority of these systems can be it is placed in one of three groups: the conventional breaker point type ignition systems (in use since the early 1900s);
the electronic ignition systems (popular since the mid 70s);
and the distributorless ignition system (introduced in the mid 80s).
Car problems in the ignition system occur because of problems in performance specified before functions. The problem can arise at car start. You turn starting engine key in the ignition switch, hear a characteristic sound of a working starter, but the engine "does not shoot" and isn't started. If process to continue long time, the battery will be discharged also it it is necessary to charge. In this case, if it is known that the fuel delivery system is serviceable and in engine cylinders normal degree compression the car problem consists in absence of formation of a spark on candles ignitions.
Fig.1. Car problems: schematic of a typical conventional breaker-point ignition system.
For search of a problem of the car in the ignition system with a typical conventional breaker-point ignition system: 1. Be convinced that all spark plug cables of your car going from the accumulator battery to coil, from it to distributor and further to spark plugs have no problems in isolation, cracks, damages through which the electric circuit can become isolated on the car or engine case. Check up - whether there are problems with contacts no high-voltage wires of the ignition system of your car. 2. Check up - whether pressure on spark plugs arrives. For this purpose remove isolating cap from a candle and arrange it on distance about 5 mm from the engine case. Thus isolating cap it is necessary to fix ignition the tool. At at turning movement of a key of start and starter work between the contact piece located in a isolating cap and the engine case the spark should slip. If the spark isn't present - a problem of the ignition system of the car in coil or distributor. 3. If after test of a isolating cap you were convinced that in the ignition system there is no car problem it is necessary to check a spark plug. Turn out a spark plug and inspect it: on a candle insulator there should not be cracks and black stains, spark plug contact pieces should have a spacing of the established size, to be covered by dry touch of light brown or pink color (it specifies in correct installation of firing point and absence of hit of oil in the engine cylinder).Also to check up a spark plug it is possible (if other ignition system of the car has no problems) as follows: insert a candle in isolating cap and place so that the thread on a spark plug would contact to the engine case. Engage engine start. If thus in a candle the spark, a candle serviceable is observed. 4. The problem of the car ignition system can be in distributor.To check up as spark plug cables are densely inserted into a cover distributor; remove and inspect a cover - whether there are no on it cracks, whether pure contact pieces on its inside; inspect the gear distributor (are disconnected or not contact pieces at rotation a rotor distributor, whether a normal spacing between contact pieces when they are opened, whether the whole wire in a metal braid which connects disconnected contact pieces to the condenser).If in distributor isn't present problems, but at rotation a rotor distributor with the removed cover by means of engine start on dead contacts the candle isn't formed, the problem of the ignition system of the car in coil means. 5. The problem of the car ignition system can be in coil or in primary resistor.In a case of breakage they should be changed.
Car Problems tells about finding-out of the reasons of a problem with liquid escape in your car. Once you have faced a problem of escape of a liquid in your car. After some time when you car stood without work, you see that any liquid (oil, either braking fluid, or a cooling fluid) decreases in system, and under the car was formed pool.Car Problems suggests a simple and effective mode to define - what liquid creates car problems.Using a method which offers Car Problems you also can define - what liquid is in the bank, standing on a regiment of your garage if the label about banks is lost for a long time. So, for the decision car problems to us the sheet of paper or a cardboard of white color, enough big is required to the poured liquid what to cover all place under the car on which for a night the pool accumulates. Leave sheet under the car till the morning, and carry out preliminary treatment of yours car problems in the morning - compare color, a smell and to the touch received on a paper begin to flow liquids with reference indicators for various automobile liquids.
Cooling fluid - bright green color, very slippery to the touch.
Engine oil - is light or darkly brown color, an oily liquid. Color depends on how often you change oil in the engine of the car (the fresh oil, the it is more light).
Washing liquid for a windshield - a transparent liquid, probably, orange, yellow or pink color with a characteristic smell of spirit.
Liquid for transmission - a light brown liquid with a strong smell of rotten eggs, as oil to the touch.
Liquid for an automatic transmission and a steering - oily, red color. It is necessary to look attentively in what place has arisen car problems. A similar liquid fill in in a defroster.
Transparent as water the liquid can pour out from the steering booster.
Brake liquid - light yellow when new as it absorbs water a liquid becomes is darkly dirty-brown.
Gasoline - usually has amber color, but you learn it on a characteristic smell.
Very important at revealing car problems with a liquid leak to notice area car under which the pool was formed. It will help with the further will define a source car problems.For an example, braking fluid pools are often formed around brake calipers and capacity with braking fluid where there is a possibility of infringement of joints. Transmission oil forms a pool under a mechanical gear box or the rear bridge. Antifreeze can't flow under a luggage compartment (if in a luggage compartment there is no capacity with antifreeze). Councils from Car Problems will help you to supervise constantly a condition of your car and in due time to avoid more difficult car problems.
Welcome to Car Problems. If you here, mean you aren't afraid to soil a hand and to eliminate the hands of a problem in own car. And to have satisfaction from the done work. It is assured that on Car Problems you can find a lot of helpful information. How competently to understand with technical problems of your car our heading"Free Repair Manuals" where you can find a large quantity of repair manuals and to service of various marks of a car will help. It is enough to you to choose the necessary mark and model from the offered list. On Car Problems you can find the answer to almost any question. Our councils will help you to spend service or repair of your car in the garage with a minimum of expenses of force and money. Elimination car problems the hands is to that the given resource is devoted. See more on Free Repair Manuals
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