Porsche Cayenne suspender: a lobby the two-lever, rear multilever. It is interesting that for the sake of strength improvement have cast aluminum levers only top, and bottom have left pig-iron. Elimination сar problems suspenders of the car of Porsche Cayenne in car-care centers consists in replacement of old parts, by the new. According to Car Problems such approach can appear very expensive service as the manufacturer of Porsche has taken care in advance of the benefit projecting a suspender detail not folding (spherical in the lever, spherical the absorber, spherical in a swivel member).
Car Problems offers the complex decision сar problems with repair of a suspender of Porsche Cayenne.
Popular belief that trunnion balls, steering tips, steering pull-rods of the car aren't subject to repair and in case of deterioration are subject to replacement, actually doesn't correspond, as this detail responsible and consequently do it with a large supply of fatigue strength. Any spherical joint at which there are liners, it is possible to repair basically. A typical example - replacement of liners of a bent shaft. However the trunnion ball not bent shaft, repair complete sets for it doesn't exist.
Car problems restoration of spherical joints it is possible to solve two modes:to make the hinge folding or polyamide undertakes. At the first variant it is opened spherical, the liner (cracker) is turned from прутка polyamide taking into account the sizes of the prepared finger and the case. In this case the cracker prepares from two details - barrels and heels, and it is already pressed in the hinge. On the second technology polyamide undertakes, is melted and under pressure is exhausted in the hinge in certain position, it accepts the properties at strictly certain temperature, then the hinge again prepares, in it lubricant is put, the anther is put on. Polyamide undertakes - the most optimum variant of the decision сar problems spherical joints of a suspender of the car of Porsche Cayenne, but at folding spherical advantage, at occurrence of knock they are tightened also a problem of extraneous knocks is eliminated.
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